On this Solemnity of the Epiphany, the Magi follow the guidance of a star that leads them to Bethlehem. In a spirit of deep humility, they present their gifts to the One who is priest, prophet and king:
▸ Frankincense for a priest, for Jesus is the eternal high priest of the new covenant.
▸ Myrrh for the anointing of a body at the time of burial, for Jesus fulfills the prophetic word that the Saviour would give His life for the salvation of all people.
▸ Gold for a king, for Jesus is the king of all creation.
During the Christmas season, we too worship the newborn King and place our gifts before Him. The Gospel today reminds us that the Magi were humble enough to seek direction in order to find their way. On the journey of faith, we also need others to assist us, to pray for us and to encourage us to persevere.
As a parish family, may we continue to support one another on the journey of faith. May Our Lady of the Visitation continue to be our inspiration, model and guide.