I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing. (John 15:5)
Daily the gardener went out to his garden to check on his melon patch. He smiled in delight to see exactly what he expected to see: each day his melons were growing bigger and bigger and changing color as they ripened. That pleasure turned to puzzlement
one day as he noticed the melons on one plant starting to shrivel up.
Upon closer inspection, he saw that the vine had been nearly completely severed. There was nothing he could do. There was no way to save the fruit parted from its source of nourishment.
That summarizes our relationship with God.
Jesus told us that we are like the branches that bear fruit and that, just like the plants in the garden, we need to be connected to the Vine in order to bear that fruit. Apart from our Vine, however, we can do nothing.
Through our connection we are empowered to minister to the needs of others just as Jesus did. In Christ’s name, we provide shelter for the homeless, food for the hungry, and clothes for needy. As God’s people, we discover through prayer and the study of his Word what his will is for our lives and what fruit he wants us to bear.
God invites each of us to come to him, but he never forces us. Only when we stay connected will our lives have purpose, and we will bear the fruit he wants us to bear.
Prayer: Lord, we give you thanks and praise for the gift of life. Help us always to be mindful that you have created us to give you praise and to be fruitful in your kingdom. Through Christ Jesus we ask all of this. Amen.