Probably the best known of all of Jesus’ stories is the parable
of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:1-3, 11-32). Again we read of how the religious
hypocrites pointed fingers at Jesus and whispered, "There goes that Jesus.
See how He welcomes sinners and eats with them."
We read of a son who took his share of the inheritance and went off to a far
country and blew all of his cash on high living. Again we read of his fall from
prosperity to penury, of his hunger, of his decision to return home and be a
servant in his father's house. And again we read of the welcome of the Father
-- who sees him coming and rushes out to welcome him home in joy and relief.
seems to require the willingness to take risks for the sake of the Gospel, to
be ready to sacrifice position and status in order to correct the wickedness
that caused the breech and bring about a right resolution. Indeed, without such
risk-taking, reconciliation would seem to be impossible.
further challenge to reconciliation is when the reconciliation isn't wanted by
all concerned, or when there is little communication among the parties. But it
would seem to me that we don't have to rely solely on our own strength, but we
can access grace and the love of God to help us break down the barriers that
separate and divide us.
remember, November 9, 1989, when the peoples of East and West
Berlin took pickaxes and began to tear away at the Berlin Wall.
Today, the Wall is no more. A seemingly impenetrable wall of separation and
division gave way miraculously (there is no other way to describe it) to unity
and peace. This
perhaps can be a model for us in terms of reconciliation. Sometimes you just
have to take your pickaxe and go chip away at a large barrier. It's crazy to
think that with your little implement you could move a barrier as massive as
the Berlin Wall. But if it happened once, it can happen again.
P.S. - This TUESDAY is our Parish Celebration of
Reconciliation. Five visiting priests will be with us beginning at 7:00p.m. Join us for this time of
receiving God’s Pardon and Peace. I also invite you to check out details on 24 Hours of Mercy, an initiative by our Holy Father Pope Francis.