With the holy season of Lent upon us, we are all invited to redouble our efforts to 'make space' for Jesus in our busy lives and divided hearts. Many of the traditional ways we have carried out this preparation as Catholics (Lenten penances, Stations of the Cross, Sacrament of Reconciliation) remain as vital and valid today as they were when first adopted. Lenten practices don't have to be severe and onerous (It's not about
beating ourselves up!) but they should lead us to a deeper understanding of the need to welcome Christ into each and every corner of our lives.
Above all, we should seek to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation during this season of purification. The mercy and unconditional forgiveness received in the Sacrament are the perfect accompaniment to the self-reflection and penance of Lent. Remember that when we “behold the wondrous Cross” we see not only a Lord sacrificed in atonement for our sins, but a Lord who desired to make this sacrifice for you! On March 25th at 7:00pm; we have our parish Reconciliation Celebration. I hope you will mark your calendar and join us for that. The blog will give you some more ways to gently prepare for this special time of pardon and peace.