Monday, May 31, 2010

Parish Feast Day - giving thanks

Last weekend was just Amazing! The goodness that this parish showed towards its neighbours (especially those in need) was wonderful. Parishioners of all ages worked together as we were able to provide a van load of items to Michael House, a truckload for the St. Vincent de Paul Store, and several car loads of household items for Bridges Shelter. This while another group prepared a wonderful supper at the Out of the Cold Program, serving and feeding about 80 people. On Saturday evening, a beautiful Marian Crowning Mass with the memorable presence of children in First Communion attire, bringing forth flowers to honour our Blessed Mother. On Sunday, our Kids Khior offered us a wonderful gift at our 9:30am Mass and at our 11:00am Mass, couples celebrated their Anniversaries of Married Life.

A Parish Feast Day tells not only of the patron we celebrate, but of those who are celebrating. The Feast of the Visitation is about welcome, caring for our neighbour and nourishing Christ within. The Parish of Our Lady of the Visitation definitely is about welcoming others (we do that every weekend). But last weekend, there was no doubt we demonstrated the care and love of neighbour. As a result of both, Christ’s presence was nourished (within us and in those we helped). It was what a Feast Day should be.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

The month of May has traditionally been devoted to Mary. This month highlights the special sharing of our Blessed Mother in the paschal mystery of Christ, her Son. We are called to imitate Mary in her openness to God's will, in her prayerfulness of spirit and in her quiet dedication to the purpose and mission of her Son's life. Let us pray to God through Mary that every person may model her discipleship and her devotion to Christ, her Son. Our May Crowning Celebration will take place during the 5:00 p.m. Mass as part of our Feast Day celebrations on May 29th. This celebration is a part of our Parish Feast Day celebrations.

Our Parish Feast Day is a wonderful occasion to gather to give thanks - First and foremost, to Almighty God for all the blessings which He gives to us as a parish family. We also gather to give glory to our patroness, Our Lady of the Visitation, for her faithfulness to the Will of the Father in bearing the gift of God’s Son: Her faithfulness in becoming and being who the Father was calling her to be. May this Parish Feast Day inspire us to take time to consider, reflect on and become who the Father calls us to be, so that faithfulness can also be our mantel.


Eternal God, we ask Your blessing upon our mothers.

Bless all mothers who labour in the home for their families; give them courage and strength when the going gets rough.

Bless those mothers who are preparing for the birth of their child. Give eternal joy to our mothers whom you have called to be with You in eternal life.

We bring this prayer to Mary, the Mother of Your Only Son, so that she may intercede with Jesus our Lord who answers all our prayers. AMEN.