Sunday, December 21, 2008

Advent: Week # 4

The Fourth Week of Advent, a times a forgotten celebration given its proximity to the Feast of the Christmas, send us an important message in question form - Are you Ready for Christmas ?

So are you ready for Christmas - it really does have to be the most asked question at this time of year. People are curious - is there anyone who is more behind than I am for Christmas ? People are interested - how did you get everything done so quickly ? People are intrigued - what have you been doing to get ready ?

Certainly this time of year is busy; the demands seem legion and the requirements long - but are you ready for Christmas ?

How do you know it if he gifts are bought and wrapped, is it if the tree is up, lights working, well - actually’s the Love Factor.... do you understand that this Season is about Love ?

★ That is why the Red Stocking Campaign was so important.
★ That is why Christmas Carolling at St Luke’s was so key.
★ That is why your high schoolers making Gifts for our shuts ins, or our Wize Guys collecting Canadian Tire Dollars, or our St Vincent de Paul helping families, or our Handling the Holidays evenings was so crucial.
★ That is why our reconciliation service was so life giving

They were all designed to remind us of Love: Gracious, Eternal: Sacrificial: Love by a Baby - a baby who changed everything. The baby changed everything.... His birth told us

■ all things pass away, all things
■ all things can be endured, all things
■ all things have a purpose and a plan, all things
■ all things - are not about the wrapped gift - but the gift of Love

If we remember that everything under a tree is about one who lay in a manger out of love- then my friends we are ready for Christmas !