Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pastoral Letter for Lent 2011

Each year the forty days of Lent offer us an opportunity to deepen our awareness of the presence of God in our lives. This year, our parish Year of Evangelization, offers us a special opportunity for personal and communal renewal in discovering His Name. I highlight for you a few activities:

 During Lent, every Monday, Mass will be celebrated at 8:00a.m. I encourage you during Lent, if possible, to attend Mass during one of our weekdays.

 Tuesday Night Together - Lenten Edition. Two special evenings - March 15 & 29 will provide a general overview of the some of the basics of our Catholic faith...How do we Understand Mass? What are the Sacraments about? These take place within a little extended homily at Mass itself at 7:00p.m.- the entire evening will be done in one hour.

 Lenten Parish Mission from April 9-12, Father Ian Duffy will preach at the Lord’s Day Masses and then on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evening lead us in reflecting upon the question “Lord To Whom Shall We Go?”. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Tuesday evening. Please set these dates aside for this special time of grace.

 Stations of the Cross will be prayed each Friday evening at 7:00p.m. We encourage you to come out and use this opportunity for spiritual growth.

 Visits to the Homebound and Sick. During the Season of Lent I wish to make special visits to each of our homebound parishioners to celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick individually with each - families are asked to call our parish office to arrange a home visit during Lent for this.
 Come Home Weekend will be April 2 & 3, 2011- it’s a special weekend to welcome Home friends who have been away. Please pray about who you will invite.

I pray that these next 40 days will be for us a time of proclaiming His name and a time when His vision for us as a parish family will be fulfilled - a time when we will better discover His name, Our Name, the Name of His Church and One Another’s name - that way we shall hear -“ Bravo - well done good and faithful friend!”

May Our Lady of the Visitation continue to be our help and guide.

Together in the Lord’s Service:
Father F. Freitas