Wednesday, December 31, 2014


As I look back upon 2014, I stand humbled at the breadth and depth of God’s blessings on our parish family. Together we have done many wonderful things in service to the Lord and to help all the members of our parish family grow in the ways of the Lord. Thank you! May God bless you for all you do to help our parish be a “light on the hill” – a strong community of faith, centered on Christ - who truly is everything for us.

1.  Dedication and Opening of our fourth parish school – St Gabriel Catholic Elementary School.

2.  Children’s Ministry launch of Kids Zone and Atrium of the Visitation. Reaching the milestone of over 100 children weekly in our programs. Expansion in 2015 to 11:30am Mass and recruitment of 20 new catechists to allow this expansion to occur.

3.  Homes for Haiti Campaign began. Funds raised for 5 of the 10 homes – and the building has begun.

4.  Our Local Outreach Efforts: Two “Service Saturday” events were held this year providing assistance to Carmelite Sisters in St Agatha, meals at Bridges Shelter, Blankets for Out of the Cold Program, “Green Bag” items for St Vincent de Paul Store, New born items during “Baby Shower” for Michael House.

5.  “Ready Day One” Back Pack appeal (140 collected), “Kindness Counts” Toy Drive (170 collected) and Red Stocking Campaign (512 collected). Plus over 30 new Haiti Sleep Mats made this year alone.

6.  Welcomed 14 adults, who received Sacraments and became part of the Catholic faith and 5 young adults who participated in Catholic Update series and received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil.

7. Tuesday Night Together in February and October – over 100 people weekly during those months.

8. Vocation weekend in February with displays by religious communities and Serra Club. Three young men and one young women from our parish in religious discernment.

9. VBS (27 children) and Summer Camp programs record amazing numbers. A total of 183 children and teens were prepared for Confirmation and Holy Communion this year.

10.  Steubenville Conference with 15 young people participating and the resulting launch of our Youth Choir.

11. Expansion of Small Group ministry to include “Iron Men” and “Mother’s Group” and our new “Starting Point” group for Catholics seeking to “Come Home”.

12. Technology enhancements in our Parish Centre, new welcome desk and parking lot ministry started, Expansion of parish library to include new children’s section, enhancements to Website to include Podcasts of Homilies and Talks. Increase in weekly Sursum Corda, Facebook and Twitter subscribers. 

13. Chris Bray “Night of Worship” and Black Family “Evening of Seasonal Song”, Parish Spaghetti Supper, Visit of the Icon of the Immaculate Conception, Parish Picnic, Catholic Café, Devotions to St Anne in July, Pilgrimage to the “Cathedrals” of Hamilton, Advent Day of Mercy.

14.  Welcomed 111 new families into our parish community. Finished the year with 253 individuals involved in Liturgical Ministries alone.

Without you, none of these great things would have been accomplished in 2014. May God Bless YOU in this New Year. May Our Lady of the Visitation continue to be our inspiration, model and guide.