Sunday, March 15, 2015

Love Where You Are.

The theme for this 4th Sunday of Lent focuses us on loving where we are. Perhaps that’s a little ambiguous, so let’s look at it in a different way. It’s easy to love someone from a distance. There are no strings attached. If we walk away perhaps no one will even notice. 

Christ, however, gave us the example of loving where we are. In His public life He crossed paths with saints and sinners, lepers, the blind and the lame. He went to them where they were. He loved them where they were. 

 We often “think” about getting involved and then find reasons not to: “I don’t have enough time.” “My schedule conflicts with their meeting times.” “My weekends are my own,” “Why would I ever want to go on a mission trip and sleep in a hammock,” and on and on. Loving our neighbor doesn’t require us to jump in with both feet. It isn’t an all of nothing request. We can love right where we are—with as little or as much time as we have. 

That is the message for this week. Jesus found time to love everyone he came in contact with and as his disciples, we’re called to do the same. “Distance is to love like wind is to fire... it extinguishes the small and kindles the great!” Let us pray that we may love “greatly”.