Sunday, April 5, 2015

Alleluia – He is Risen!

The Resurrection—something without which Christianity would be meaningless. Mary of Magdala tells Jesus’ disciples, who were still unsure of everything that had transpired over the past week, that someone has taken Jesus from the tomb. Peter and John run there, don’t understand but still believe.

We all have a mental picture of this gigantic boulder rolled away from the tomb on Easter morning. These days we have our own boulders as well. Many of us walk through life as if we were already dead and buried. We get caught up in all the false promises of this world and find ourselves in tombs— wrapped in burial cloths of depression and fear. Oftentimes we are trapped in tombs of our own making. 

On this day of rejoicing, we should look at Easter as our “reality check” reminding us believers that the Resurrection is real and it spits in the face of this world’s tombs! Today, that is the message for us. Roll away those heavy stones! Leave the tombs behind! Accept the gift we have been given by Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection. Unbind the self-imposed burial cloths and walk out into the bright Light of Easter.