Sunday, October 11, 2015

Thanksgiving Message.

 Here at St. Mary of the Visitation Parish we are thankful and blessed to have so many wonderful and amazing people as part of our parish family...

- Our member ministers (volunteers) are the best & the most gracious folks you could ever meet, they serve our Family of Faith in so many different ministries.
- Our Families big and small are giving, loving and doing all they can to be apart of our parish. 
- Our Seniors are loving elders of wisdom and support.
- Our Youth are dynamic and always challenge us to be and do better.
- Our Committees are humble servants, giving so much to those they serve, in all they do.
- Our Choir and music ministries fill our hearts with "joyful prayer" in everything they do and sing.
- Our Staff is dedicated and committed to all that they do for you.

Today we want to share our blessings with all of you, your families and all those you love.

No matter what our situations, our health challenges, let us take time....a long be thankful, grateful and joyful that we live in Ontario, that we have the right to vote, that our homes are better than most of the world enjoys, no matter how simple. 

We are blessed and to God we give the Glory.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Check out our message 

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