Sunday, December 20, 2015

Advent 4 - The Gift Exchange - Week # 4

We’ve almost made it! Was it just like last year or did we actually do something different this year to change our Advent Season?

Anticipation, even for great things can be stressful. Think about our last vacation and all the preparation for hotels, travel arrangements, new clothing, etc. The process takes time and can be difficult but the destination makes it all worthwhile. As we move through this last week of Advent and can clearly see our DESTINATION IS NEAR, we know the small things we’ve accomplished and the bigger things we have planned for our future journey in life are possible. But we also know these last few days could ruin the entire trip. The stable is in sight! 

Let us pray when we finally see God face to face he will repeat the words of Elizabeth in today’s Gospel, “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.”

Please try this activity as a family:
Take 2 minutes and pray together as a family that we can help each other recognize God’s presence, not just at Christmas time, but all the time, and that we can recognize how God continually works throughout the year in our lives. In honor of Mary’s “Yes,” pray together the Hail Mary.