Sunday, May 1, 2016

Ground-breaking Peace

This is the fourth week of a message series for the Easter Season called “Ground-breaking”. It is a unique series for us because of its double meaning. First, later this month we are actually going to be breaking ground on a 1500sq. ft expansion which is part of our Generations campaign. This new space on to the front of our Church will connect and complete our campus and provide us with additional space for groups, activities and our growing Family of Faith. (See the drawings in Parish Centre). Second - we are in the Season which celebrates the most ground breaking event in history – Easter.

A ground breaking describes something that has never been seen or done or even thought of before - its pioneering. Usually is surprises and shocks and maybe shapes culture or redefines the way people live or work. Something ground breaking changes stuff....and certainly Easter was that..... it changed things.... it was groundbreaking - the impact is still being felt today

This first week we look at that heart of the ground-breaking of the Resurrection is the fact of its a new vision - one of Mercy. In our second week we took a look at Fear and how we can overcome up due to the Resurrection of Jesus by making three things a part of our life – the call to “feed, tend, go” Last week we looked at what it takes to be a ground breaking Church. This week we are invited to ask ourselves if we are willing to “stand up?”

Pope Paul VI spoke so beautifully that "If you want peace, work for justice". I believe the two are intimately related. Why do I fight with my neighbour over our property line? I feel it is not right (unjust). Why does one nation enter into war with another? Because they are encroaching on our territory (not just).

We have all experienced peace personally, and also the lack of it. This may have been in relation to a family member of friend; a co-worker, boss or employee; or a classmate, teacher or student. Perhaps today we are not proud of the way we related to them at that time. Perhaps we felt they were unjust in their words, actions or decisions. That lack of personal peace perhaps even spilled over into the wider family or group of friends, the office staff, or the school. Before we knew it, things were exaggerated and people were not talking to each other, avoiding each other, and 'camps' were being formed for or against 'the enemy'. Sound familiar?

The Ground breaking Message of the Resurrection is not only Mercy, It is not only that Fear has no power when we love the Lord and Feed, Tend and Go, but the ground breaking message of the resurrection is also that we must be a Church that constantly invites and invests. But also a Church, a people of faith who are willing to stand up for what is just and true and right – as defined by the Lord.

The Gospel of today inspires joy and confidence. God is with us! First of all, he assures us that he is sending us the Holy Spirit that will lead and guide us, encourage us and challenge us, as we live out our life in Christ. Indeed, we need not be "troubled or afraid". The Spirit will "teach" and "remind" us, so we are never abandoned or 'left to our own resources'. Then, Jesus promises us peace, HIS PEACE. He is promising His very self to us. How intimate this giving of Himself for us. Although He is going to the Father, we are definitely not alone or abandoned. If we love Him "and keep His word" we can achieve the peace of Christ. If we follow Him faithfully that peace will not only sustain us, but will encourage and call others to the peace of Christ.

The Church of today - the groundbreaking Church - must be one that willing to stand up. The Bishops of Canada are asking us to be ground breaking in our voice toward a new Federal Government bill which would seek to put at risk sacredness and dignity of human life - it would make euthanasia legal and further would compel Christian health care providers to undertake actions which are contrary to their moral code for some of the most aged, disabled and infirmed in our society. We have a moment to speak up and sample letters which you can write to the Minister of Health are available at the Small Group Desk in our Parish Centre. This is a threat to our moral fabric as a society and we are encouraged to make our voice and the voice of the Cross heard on this issue

In the Gospel Jesus promises us peace - HIS PEACE.  Connected to His peace - is His truth - the two can not be separated from each other. Jesus makes a distinction between His peace, and the peace of the world when He says, "Not as the world gives do I give it to you". There is real peace, and then there is pseudo-peace. The pseudo-peace lasts a short time, usually hastily or frustratingly agreed upon just to 'get it over with', or 'to move on'. Pseudo-peace is a peace we can put up with, in the short run of things. However, true peace endures.

True peace is built on two important principles: love and truth. This peace is animated by love, introduces love, preserves love, and celebrates love. This calls for sincerity and integrity in the hearts of both parties (groups, nations, etc.). This peace does not know 'winners' and 'losers', but only brothers and sisters in Christ, seeking the well-being of each other. Sacrifices must be made in relation to this peace, each 'giving in' to a certain extent. True peace also demands the truth.

What is right and good is right and good, and what is wrong and bad is wrong and bad. Christian peace will not allow sin to dominate or control. Rather, dialogue and agreement (or disagreement) must be based on the truth as revealed by God and taught by moral authority. It is not a 'relative' truth, or what is the fashion, or the 'thing' this year. As people of God, we seek His peace, recognizing the call to love (and His great love for us), and embracing God's truth. When we embrace and proclaim - and stand up for Christ - we are instruments of His peace. When His peace and His truth are seen in our lives - well - its ground breaking!