Sunday, June 4, 2017


Can you recall the greatest gift you ever received? Perhaps as a child, it was a long sought after toy. Or maybe the keys to your first car as a teen. How about that diamond ring that came with a proposal for marriage? Around the holidays, jewellers promote diamonds as the “gift that lasts forever.” One thing certainly is true, the best gifts are the ones that show the giver really knows you; are personal, and are exactly what you need!

Today, we the Church celebrate the greatest gift ever given, or ever to be given. Rising from the dead and alive again, Jesus knew he would soon ascend and return to His Father. Before leaving, He promised he would give a farewell gift, one of far greater value than any precious gem, one that truly lasts FOREVER! This gift is the right colour, the right size, and exactly what was needed. Today we celebrate the fulfilment of the promise: Jesus sending his most personal gift, the Holy Spirit.

But what is the Holy Spirit and how can we receive and use this gift today? The Spirit is symbolised by a dove to indicate its unpredictable yet gentle presence; or by fire (God appeared as fire in the Old Testament) to indicate its divine power. Describing the Holy Spirit, many have said it is love; or “that voice that nudges me into action;” “the unity of God;” a supernatural force; “how I see God working in my life, the day to day feeling of God’s grace.”

While these truly describe the Spirit, they are only SPIRITUAL GIFTS His attributes, not what He is. The Holy Spirit is NOT an animal, an energy, or an emotion; not a feeling or philosophy or a force. The Holy Spirit also is not a human being but he is a person, the third person of our Triune God, yet pure spirit. Sometimes it seems the old term “Holy Ghost” makes it easier to comprehend Him: a gentle and benevolent divine person without a material body.

During the Sacrament of Baptism, before pouring water, the minister lays their hands on the person and says “receive the Holy Spirit.” And because Jesus PROMISED this would happen, His personal Spirit flows out from the Father through Him, and rests within (“indwells”) the person. For many, nothing noticeable occurs, even though within this great gift, “to each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit” (as Paul describes in his letter to the Corinthians), always to strengthen and empower the individual. However, if one learns to be docile and yield to The Holy Spirit, amazing manifestations of God’s love can occur during our ministry: healing, wisdom, teaching, tongues, divine faith, evangelization and even miracles. These “gifts” of the Spirit (manifestations) are given to strengthen, empower and build up His church. The Holy Spirit also unites and energizes the Christian community as well, with the purpose of helping all the faithful to be able to communicate with and experience God within us and in the world. Truly the greatest gift ever given and one that is everlasting!