Monday, January 1, 2018

Resolutions for 2018

I have never really been a big believer in New Year Resolutions, guess because its tough to act upon them. But a friend of mine, Father Michael White, has encouraged me to take a new look at them for 2018, and he even puts his on his blog so that he has higher accountability, so this year, spurred on by his example, and with a few that I’ve freely adapted from him, I am blogging my resolutions. Feel free to hold me to them (but be gentle.....)

  1. Pray a lot more
This past year has been an extremely hectic one, various opportunities in our parish life, some team changes, new chapters to begin and numerous occasions to network with parishes across Canada and in the United States as we grow in being a parish dedicated to the New Evangelization, as well as our parish growing by leaps and bounds, have kept me busy, and my prayer life has struggled a bit - got to get that back on track! The first six months I was good, but the last couple have been not so good. So I am returning to first hour of the day going to Him and last hour of the day being His. It was my practice for the first 20 years of my priesthood......this year it shall return!
  1. Write a Book (another) and attend some Conferences
I have been blessed with the chance to write two books and have been invited to write a third. Its a goal for this year, but still looking at a blank page. I also use to write in this blog more often. Well have added time in my calendar for both now. I also have been invited to attend or speak at several conferences this year - going to make these a priority and will be working hard to make that happen.
  1. Walk More.
I use to go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Have to say have been finding that I don't have the discipline and dedication to make it happen, but in recent months, it has become ever the more apparent that I need to push myself to walk and even just stand more for purposes of health and posture. Gong to see that this is occurring.
  1. Invest in....
My Staff and Parish Leadership Team.We have a great staff, and a very strong lay leadership council, and they do an incredible job. But they could probably use more investment of my time. I have some things I am planning as we set some new goals for our ongoing effort to build a great leadership culture.

My Self. I have been reading a great deal on Leadership, and have been conversing with such great leaders as Father Michael White, Father James Mallon, Carey Nieuwhof, Patrick Lencioni, Craig Groeschel and Andy Stanley. I want this year to go spend some time with them and invest in growing as a leader - it will also make me a better Pastor.
  1. Begin Next Round of Strategic Planning.
Our parish is at a great crossroads of some amazing things about to happen. Our investment in our mission and vision over the last few years is, because of God's Grace and His people's faithfulness, about to take off. It is time to look ahead. What does our campus, staff, schedule, strategy look like in 5 years? What challenges will we be facing ahead? What opportunities can we identify?

May God bless in 2018.

PS - by the way check out my 2017 New Year Blog .... always interesting looking back.....