Sunday, January 25, 2015


Almost every one of us is “connected” to someone else through social media. If we use email or Facebook or Twitter or texting or Instagram, we are connected. It may be to a few close friends and relatives or it may be to thousands of other cyber friends. The choice is yours but we call the process “networking”.

 In today’s first reading, Jonah travels to Nineveh with what he sees as an impossible task: spread God’s word: repent or the city will be destroyed. The people listened. God spared them. Jonah’s networking was successful. In the second reading, Paul seems to tell us to abandon our vocation in life. That is not what he is saying at all. Remember when this letter was written. There were lots of internal quarrels within the early church and Paul wanted those to be cast aside so that the people could embrace all possible opportunities for Christ. Their job was to spread the word—to “network”. Today’s Gospel carries over the story from last week when Peter and Andrew went out to see who this Jesus was. Today Jesus tells Peter and Andrew, James and John to put down their nets and follow him. Jesus was “Net-Working”.

 So, the message is this: will we put down our “nets”— whatever they may be and follow Christ with complete abandon? If the answer is “yes,” then our next calling is to begin “Net-Working” for Christ.

Take a few moments to listen to our newest message series "Pursuit of Happiness" and to reflect upon it with the Heart to Home Small Group material for this series.