Sunday, February 1, 2015

A New Authority

When the Scribes used to preach in the synagogues, they never spoke on their own authority. They always spoke using someone else’s authority. Now you could say that was because they didn’t want to take responsibility for their words or it was easier preaching by saying their words belonged to someone else. 

 We often do that in our own lives. We fail to stand up and declare our beliefs so we use someone else to “speak” our words. In the workplace, we’ll often hear, “The boss said to do this” rather than taking the responsibility or ownership for the words we are about to utter. It’s easier that way. Actually, even the prophets started their teachings with, “The Lord said…” 

 Today, however, we hear Jesus assume a new role when he speaks in His own name and commands the unclean spirit to come out of the man in the synagogue. At the same time, as the Gospels continue, we hear Jesus’s teachings often begin with “I say to you…” 

 Here’s what you have to love about this whole “new order”: Jesus took action when he needed to. He didn’t prevent every possible evil from happening, but He did act when necessary. Jesus acted, but did not overreact. Driving the demon out could have been a Hollywood movie for some, with 5 sequels, but not for Jesus. He just made the demon go away. 

When all was said and done, Jesus didn’t go out on a publicity tour and tell the crowds, “Look what I did.” That’s what it’s all about. It’s always easier to obey a person who deserves respect and authority versus a person who demands respect and authority because of a title. Jesus taught us the right way to do things!
Take a few moments to listen to our newest message series "Pursuit of Happiness" and to reflect upon it with the Heart to Home Small Group material for this series.