Friday, May 19, 2017

Priests Retreat Week

This week I was blessed to be among 33 of my brother priests for a week long retreat at Mount Carmel Retreat Centre in Niagara Falls. I went into the retreat with the words of St Augustine: "Silence and Patience are the Companions of Wisdom" truly in mind. 

The retreat leader was Bishop William McGrattan, the Bishop of Calgary. I know him well as he was my seminary professor at St Peter Seminary in London. He and I have always had a good relationship and I have always found him easy to listen to, clear in style and presentation - he did not disappoint. It was good to reconnect with him, and even have a personal one to one visit together. Ora Pro Vobis. 

The days were full, but balanced. We had a series of talks on the priesthood (3 each day). Each had some wonderful insights and contained tremendous affirmation. Bishop McGrattan was personal and personable in each, and I walked away with a kernel from each presentation. 

Each day also had the celebration of the Eucharist as our core, personal time for devotion before the Blessed Sacrament and individual recitation of the Rosary. It was here that I found myself reflecting back on 20 years as a priest. Grateful for my first Pastor, Bishop Peter Hundt, and the stable foundation in priesthood which he gave to me as a young curate. I found myself looking back on the example of Bishop Gerard Bergie, my second Pastor, and the freedom he gave me to serve in new ways. I found myself reflecting on the amazing people of faith that I have encountered in the parishes where I have served - Holy Cross, Georgetown, St Margaret Mary, Hamilton, St Joseph, Guelph and St Joseph in Fergus. Grateful to the Bishop who ordained me, Bishop Anthony Tonnos, for his solid example and Bishop Matthew Ustrzycki for his ardent friendship. Both taught me much in many a car ride together.

Each day I also spend some time before the relics of St Therese of the Child Jesus where I brought the intentions of so many of the parishioners of my current parish - St Mary of the Visitation. I have served here now for almost 11 years (more than half my priesthood). More so than any other place, they have helped shape my priesthood and ministry. Here too my heart was grateful for those I serve with in ministry, and those we have the privilege to serve. 

But I have to admit something...the greatest graces and blessings came from a place I wasn't sure about, and being somewhat introverted was a little nervous about, in the personal one to one discussions I had with my brother priests on the retreat. One was celebrating 62 years as a priest - I listened in awe. It came from one who was celebrating 5 years as a priest - I listened in gratefulness. It came from a priest who had served in foreign missions - I listened in gratitude. It came from one recently arrived in the Diocese - I listened in admiration. It came in the humour around the table, and from the wisdom in the room. It came in watching us serve each other, in con-celebrating together and even in teasing each other (which I must admit I was the "victim" of often).

Thank you to my parish for giving me the week away. Thank you to Bishop Douglas Crosby, for investing in us as priests with this opportunity. Thank you to Mount Carmel Retreat Centre for the outstanding hospitality. But thank you most of all to my brother priests for your example to did more for me this week then you may have known.