Sunday, May 14, 2017

The Way, Truth and Life

Have you ever come into the middle of a group having an intense conversation and not having a clue what’s being said? Today’s Gospel from John feels like that. “Do not let your hearts be troubled, have faith in my Father’s house are many dwelling places.” Jesus is midway through a talk with his friends and what he is saying sounds so strange.

This whole scene takes place before Easter on HolyThursday, at the Last Supper. Jesus begins to tell His disciples one of them will betray Him and that he will be leaving them soon. That would certainly give a feeling that something horribly bad is about to happen, and we all know what that something was. As we read, we can tell his disciples were beginning to sense trouble as well. But in this conversation, (which will conclude in next week’s Gospel), Jesus is letting his friends know that no matter what will happen next, they need to KEEP CALM! (“Do not let your hearts be troubled.”)

While it may appear that everything they had hoped for and devoted their lives to was going to end in disappointment on Calvary, things won’t be as they seem. Yes, Jesus will leave hem…yes he will die, but it will not be the end, he is going to come back! And when he does, he will take us with him to the Father! That’s what he means when Jesus says he is going to the Father to prepare a place for us.

Philip wondered how we can be so sure that Jesus can deliver on this promise! If Jesus could give him a glimpse of the Father, it will convince him. Jesus then makes a statement that could bring nothing but hope: “Philip…whoever has seen me has seenthe Father…(because) I am in the Father and the Father is in me.” “The Father...dwells in me.” To our ears, more strange language. To the Jewish disciples, they fully understood this to mean: “I AM God!” Yes!

Jesus is going to the Father for another very special reason: that we may be able to continue to do the work Jesus did while he is in the world. “Whoever believes in me will do the works I do and will do greater ones.” We will hear in next week’s Gospel how that will occur: that Jesus will ask the Father to equip us to accomplish his work. Wow! That sounds like a tall order considering Jesus cured the sick, raised the dead, and cast out demons. Are we up for the challenge? Jesus will not leave us unequipped.