Sunday, March 23, 2014

Third Sunday of Lent - an Encounter with Mercy

On this Third Sunday of Lent we have a wonderful encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan Women at the Well. This is truly an encounter of Mercy. Our theme for Lent in 2014 is “From These Ashes”. What connection might the Mercy have with our theme of the Lenten Season for us as we continue to rise from the ashes?

Throughout this season of Lent, we want to continually focus on the Cross as we move towards Good Friday. The Cross serves as a reminder not only of the great gift that Jesus gave each of us but also the ultimate reward of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

We have placed a large wooden cross at the front of the church. On Ash Wednesday, each Sunday during Lent, and in Holy Week we will place a symbol of Christ’s upcoming, Passion, death, and Resurrection at the foot of the cross to serve as a visual reminder of what this Season of Lent represents. Take note each week of what the symbol is that has been added and seek to comprehend and apply how it connects to His word and our journey.

This week, a bucket was added to the place beside the three branches of a cactus, and the candle which were placed near the bowl of ashes. This reminds us of the thirst we have for the refreshment of the Lord. So often during our lives we thirst for forgiveness. Events, conversations, hurts prevent us from truly being quenched of our thirst. The Woman at the Well had experienced great thirst, not for the water she came at high soon to draw, but for a fulfillment in her life that could only come if she in fact knew forgiveness.

The Woman at the Well was surprised that Jesus was speaking to her - she felt alone in her life. She was resistant of what Jesus wanted to offer her and was reluctant to speak to Him. But she wanted a better way - not a self absorbed way. In order for her life to change, she had to let Him increase and she had to decrease. She wanted the refreshing water of life that Jesus offered.

For each of us, our Lenten journey from the ashes calls us to allow Jesus to increase and
we to decrease - more of Jesus and less of me! But how?

1. Daily surrender your ego & pride to the Lord. It is so strong within us that we have to do it daily. This is why Jesus said “Take up your Cross - daily - and follow me”. This is why saying something daily like “God let their be more of Jesus and Less of Me today”  before you right that nasty email or blow up at the bank teller is so important.

2. Fight for God’s fame and not your own. Our purpose is not to build ourselves up or leave a legacy for ourselves - but to glorify Him. As we have said before our goal in life is our sanctification - to become Holy. The way to become Holy is to be molded into the image of God - to become who He wishes for us to be, not our glory but His.

3. The Sacrament of Reconciliation. The woman at the well changed her life because she came to know the mercy of the God. That mercy is most purely found in the Sacrament of Reconciliation for it is a time to ask ourselves - who am I focused on, and to repent when it more of us then Jesus.

The goal of Lent is to reflect again and again on what Jesus has done for us on the cross and consider how you can grow in holiness as a result.

 How can I accept Gospel poverty in my life (1st Week of Lent) so I can be rich in eternal life?
How can I take on Mercy in my life (2nd Week of Lent), so that I can be transfigured in how I listen and in my openness to change?
 How can I experience and share Mercy in my life? (3rd Week of Lent). Do I share the life giving water of Christ’s words with others to quench their thirst, or am I focused on myself, (ego and pride)?

Let us prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation which we can celebrate communally on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at 7:00pm or privately on Saturday from 4-4:30pm. Let us experience His life giving refreshment of Mercy as we encounter Him.